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Critic #1: Markos

Emulation feedback: He felt that compared to the layout model, there is a lot more blank space, especially along the left with the maps. If there was a way to condense information to make it fill the left out more, that would be good. But he also noticed that the visual language model has much less dense information, and is very simple visually compared to the layout model, so making sure the information isn't too dense or complicated is also important. He also noticed the top right section in the layout model seems to have three sections, while the bottom-right has two sections, whereas in my layout, the reverse is true. I could experiment with placing these sections in different areas to further match the layout model.

I moved the maps closer together, and further left to fill in the space better, which should fit the layout model better. This allows the textbox to have more room as well. I decided not to reverse the locations of the 2 top and 3 bottom displays, because that would disrupt the visual hierarchy of my display. The more important facts should be in larger, more noticeable sections.


Critic #2: Jorge Torres

I like the second version better, since the line chart has more space on its section. However, the legendary Pokemon section is on the left which makes it seem like it is more important, as it could catch the viewer's eye first. If you want emphasis on the total Pokemon, maybe it could be bigger like the second version, but on the left like the first. On the timeline, the emphasis on the recent pokemon is noticable; which is the message. I would make text bigger generally especially the titles. Besides that it looks pretty solid!

I swapped the positions of the total Pokemon and legendary Pokemon displays, and it seems to have a positive effect on the visual hierarchy, with the total Pokemon being more noticeable first, being on the left. The layout model actually has the longer element on the right, though I will see if other critics see this as a problem.


Critic #3: Sean M

Emulation feedback: He preferred the second layout model due to its emphasis on the newer games, and the better use of white to make it stand out more. He noticed the Chinese flag does not have any context, so it is confusing what games it is referring to. Also, he thinks the maps should be more centered to better fill in the space allocated by the layout model. The legendary Pokemon statistic is somewhat hard to see, so it is possible to make all the pokeballs a uniform color to make it more noticeable. In general, text is fairly small, so it would be good to make it bigger and more readable.

By taking away the color on the Chinese flag and leaving it on the games, I hope this further reinforces to viewers that these are the games I am focusing on, and that any corresponding facts would relate to it. If I adjusted the flag to have the games on top of it or add to the text to clarify it, it would make it too complicated and conflict with my visual language model's concise use of text and imagery. The maps have been centered to better fill the space allocated by the layout model. I made the text slightly bigger to make it more readable and better match the typography model. Making the pokeballs a uniform color did not turn out well in the past, as it made it hard to tell that they were pokeballs. I am unsure about this point for now, however, I will ask other critics specifically about this during the next critique to see what they think.


Critic #1: Andre Nguyen

Emulation feedback: Overall you emulated your layout model quite well. I can tell that you wanted to emphasize the timeline of the pokemon game generations. I was a little confused at some parts in your infographic because I didn't know you were referring to pokemon sun and moon the whole time, maybe add that underneath your title header like your visual model?. I would suggest adding some information to give context to some of your elements like you did with the Aloha section. Also changing your title header to fit like your visual model would be cool. 

I have changed the title and added context to certain elements, hopefully making the emphasis on the new games more clear. Using the same textboxes as on the map in the visual language model should help keep the emulation consistent. The style of the title has also been made more like the visual language model.


Critic #2: Jon

Emulation feedback: He noticed that the layout model uses discrete boxes to section out content, whereas my infographic mostly uses lines and different background colors. Adding some context to each section to make it clear it is part of the new games would also help convey to viewers that the focus is on Sun and Moon. The Alola section could have some more information (e.g. labeling each of the islands), because it seems somewhat empty right now. The Chinese fact seemed too trivial to him to include as well.

My visual language model uses different background colors and lines, so I decided not to incorporate the "box" style of the layout model. Context has been added, similar to Andre's advice. I labeled each corresponding Alola and Hawaii island pair to make the map feel less empty, better matching my layout model's density of information. I decided to keep the Chinese fact, because although it is trivial, my visual language model also uses that space for trivial facts.


Layout Element & Critiques

Critic #3: Diana

Emulation feedback: Like the other critics, she noticed context being a key part of making my message clear. It isn't clear to her whether the fastest-selling games refer to the new games or not. I could have my title changed to accommodate Sun and Moon in some way. Changing the color of the grey bar to white may make it easier to read, because the grey does not contrast that well against the light blue. I could cover other new evolutions, or make it more clear that Pikachu is just included as an example.

Like the other critics, I added more context to make the emphasis on the new games clearer. The title has been changed to accommodate Sun and Moon. I changed the bar from grey to white, because although the color model had a use of grey and blue bars, the stacking effect that the visual language model used made the grey bar not contrast that well against the blue bar. The additional context added to the evolution section also makes more clear that Pikachu is just an example, using a textbox in a similar style to my visual language model.


This layout is meant to update viewers who have not played Pokemon in a long time about what is new in the latest games, or those are simply curious about where the series is at now. The title, with a large light blue background, should catch viewers' eyes first. The next most prominent element in the visual hierarchy is the timeline, getting viewers up-to-date on what games have been released. The second version of the layout tries to make clear that the focus is on the newest games, making its bubble​ bigger than the rest of the games. Other important statistics are to the top of the display, showing the proportion of legendary to non-legendary Pokemon, and the total Pokemon in the current generation compared to the first generation.


To the left is another large, important display, showing where the newest games get its inspirations from. Along the bottom-middle, is a less prominent but nonetheless important new mechanic changing the way certain Pokemon work. Finally, at the bottom-right are less important but interesting trivia about the latest games.


How this element emulates the layout models: This infographic attempts to emulate the layout model by placing the more important elements in larger spaces, and less important ones in smaller spaces. The title occupies the top-left corner, and tries to be the most prominent in the visual hierarchy, similar to the layout model.The time display, next on the visual hierarchy, takes up the middle third of the display, with the location display on the left as it is of similar but somewhat lesser importance. Important statistics are placed at the top, but take up less space to make it less prominent in the hierarchy.


Finally, the bottom-right corner is filled with trivia as a means to leave the viewer with some final interesting facts. The layout model uses this space to give the viewer with an important concluding fact, but my visual language model uses this for more trivial facts. I attempted to strike a balance between the two and give the viewer both a trivial fact, and an impressive feat (fastest-selling Nintendo games).




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